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Writer's picturebenbarkerfitness

2 Underrated Shoulder Exercise for Dads to Build Jacked Delts (2024)

Dads, let's Make America Fit Again!

Become the fittest dad on your street, at work, and on the sidelines at your kids' sporting events. Today the standard for being considered a "fit dad" is incredibly low. Let's raise the standard and level up.

To look more jacked in a t-shirt, 2 top priorities are:

  1. Building wider shoulders.

  2. Having a trim waist.

Today we are going to cover building some jacked, wide shoulders.

When most people think about building the shoulders the immediately go to the shoulder press and the front raise.

Shoulder press: Yes.

Front raises: We can do without as they train the anterior delt which get plenty of love if you do overhead press, dips, bench, push-ups, etc.

We need to build the medial head of the delts to get juicy, round "shoulder caps." To better isolate the medial delt, let's look at exercise number 1:

DB Lateral Raises

For this exercise, I like 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Points of performance:

  1. Full Range of Motion, a little higher than traditional

  2. SLOW descent

  3. Slight forward lean

  4. Pronated Grip (palms toward thighs)

Second, we want to superset this exercise with an unsung hero of shoulder builders, the upright row. The upright row builds the delts, traps, and even hits the biceps. As a dad, you need to do exercises that provide a lot of "bang for your buck."

Upright Row

For the upright row, I also like 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Points of performance:

  1. Elbows always higher than hands

  2. Slow descent

  3. Aim for quality and tempo over weight

Perform these 2 exercises as a superset like this:

3 sets:

12-15 DB Lateral Raises

12-15 Upright Row

*do 3 rotations alternating between the 2 exercises

*on the final set, do as many reps of each as you can with proper form.

For more depth on each exercise don't miss my latest YouTube video:

Lastly, don't miss my article from last week: My Top 7 Pieces of Home Gym Workout Equipment

PS Get $10 off my latest 8-week Workout Ebook with Code LASTCHANCE

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