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Writer's picturebenbarkerfitness

Friday 1/27/2023 Daily Gym: Upper Body Workout

Finish the week STRONG! I love Friday workouts. Such a great way to close out the week.

Corny saying but, "Don't let your weekend become your weak end." Make sure to be active over the weekend by going on a walk or doing some yoga, properly hydrate, and get in some healthy meals!

2 things to check out: my latest podcast episode, Ben Barker Fitness Podcast, and my most recent blog post Structuring Workouts for Maximum Gains.

*5-7 min of dynamic upper body stretches

*break into however many sets you need

*no band? sub 50 Rope Face Pulls


*do 12 of each, 10 each, 8 each, then decrease the weight and do a "burnout" set of 15+


*add weight each set

3 Sets:

8-12 Chin-Ups or 15 Reverse Grip Lat Pull-Downs

*control the descent of each rep

Tester Workout RETEST

12 Minute AMRAP:

3,6,9,12,15, etc

*amrap = as many reps as possible

*so, for 12 minutes rotate through the 3 exercises as many times as possible with proper form

*do 3 of each exercise, 6 of each, 9 each, 12, 15, etc....

*Beat your score from week 1

*if you watch the push-up video, we are aiming for "textbook" reps

3 sets:

15 Lateral Raises (medium to heavy)

*done as a super set, 1 set of each, 3 times

*on the last set of each do as many reps as you can in a row with proper form

*5-7 min of upper body stretches

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