A little Workout Wednesday Motivation:
Today's workout works your abs and heart from the inside out. Your core is the foundation of your body, and cardio strengthens your heart. Let's sweat and improve our endurance because abs are built by training (revealed by diet). Let's do this!
New 4 week workout phase starts 2/27
*5-7 minutes of lower body dynamic stretches
12 Minute EMOM
1: Alt V-Ups
4: Hollow Rocks
*EMOM = every minute on the minute
*set a timer for 12 minutes. 4 exercises, so you will rotate through them 3 times.
*do 60 sec of 1 exercise immediately switching to the next with no rest.
20 minute Interval: Choose to Bike, Run, Row, or a combo.
Alternate 40 seconds moderate pace, followed by 20 seconds as fast as you can do
*5-7 minutes of lower body stretches