A little Workout Wednesday Motivation:
It is the first day of February. This is when most people are giving up. Don't be that person. Keep chasing your goals and you will be amazed what you can accomplish if you don't quit and just keep showing up!
*the goal for core and cardio days is to increase endurance, strengthen the core, and to aid in recovery midweek.
*5-7 minutes of lower body dynamic stretches
12 Minute EMOM
1: Toe Touches
2: Superman Raises
*EMOM = every minute on the minute
*set a timer for 12 minutes. 4 exercises, so you will rotate through them 3 times.
*do 60 sec of 1 exercise immediately switching to the next with no rest.
8 Minute AMRAP:
20 Jumping Jacks
*amrap = as many reps as possible
*so, for 8 minutes rotate through the 3 exercises as many times as possible
*for the lateral shuffles do 10 shuffle steps left, 10 shuffle steps right, 10 shuffle steps left, 10 shuffle steps right to = 40 steps (adjust as needed for the space you have)
*5-7 minutes of lower body stretches