Win the day. Crush this workout. Eat in a way that reflects your goals. Hydrate. Excel professionally. Invest in the relations you want to grow.
PS another tester workout today. Keep track of how many rounds and reps you get in the AMRAP as we will retest in week 4.
*5-7 minutes of lower body dynamic stretches
3 Sets:
10 Bulgarian Split Squats (each)
10 Single Leg RDL (each)
*done as a superset
*use a sturdy bench, chair, or sofa for back leg
*these can be done with no weight or use some weighted objects from around the house
Tester Workout
15 minute AMRAP:
10 Squat Jumps
15 Jumping Jacks
10 V-Ups
*AMRAP = as many reps as possible
*for 15 minute rotate through the 4 exercises as many times as possible
*Form comes first but the goal here is speed.
*for lower impact modify squat jump with a regular squat
*in your notes app, record how many rounds and reps you get for reference in week 4
*5-7 min lower body stretches