Happy Monday, Team! Today starts a new 4-week cycle.
And you know what that means... TESTER WORKOUTS!
At the beginning of each 4-week cycle, we will do a tester workout, where we will score or time in order to retest in week 4.
Tester workouts are an easy way to track progress and push yourself to improve!
PS check out my t-shirt shop on here!
*5-7 min lower body dynamic stretches
Tester Workout
Tabata (8 sets each, 20 on/10 off)
1: Air Squats
2: Sit-Ups
3: Single Leg RDL + Hop (switch leg each set)
Tabata = 8 sets of 20 sec work/ 10 sec rest
*do all 8 sets of one exercise before moving to the next
*download a free tabata timer to your phone (I like SmartWOD Timer)
***keep a running total of how many reps you get, so we can beat our score in week 4
3 Sets:
:40 sec Knee Tucks
*5-7 min lower body stretches