If you do anything... become consistent. Keep showing up.
We can increase the intensity as you go. But as motivation starts to fade, make showing up your number one priority.
2 things to check out: my latest podcast episode, Ben Barker Fitness Podcast, and my most recent blog post 11 Best DB Exercises for Building Lean Muscle.
*5-7 min of dynamic upper body stretches
18 Minute AMRAP:
2,4,6,8,10,12,14... etc
Staggered Push-Ups (each side)
Stagger Stance Rows (each side)
*amrap = as many reps as possible
*so, for 18 minutes rotate through the 3 exercises as many times as possible with proper form
*do 2 of each, 4 of each, 6 of each, 8 of each, 10, 12, 14, etc...
*on the push-ups and rows you will do 2 on each side, 4 each side, 6 each side, etc!
*for the stagger stance rows use a heavy object from the house: Dumbbell, jug of detergent, gallon of water, etc
3 sets:
10,10,10 YTW Raises (10 each position)
*for the bent lateral raises use any object from around 1-5 lbs per hand: 2 water bottles, 2 cans of soup, 2 small Dumbbells, etc
*5-7 min of upper body stretches